
My research interests are in Management Accounting. I like to explore how Management Accounting interfaces with other business disciplines such as Operations Management, Financial Accounting, Tax and Purchasing. I am interested in the provision of  accounting information for decision making and performance measurement purposes, and have a special interest in costing system design.

I have won the 2025 Best Paper Award at the Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, the 2024 Inaugural Bredrup Faculty Excellence Award, the 2022 Weatherspoon Award for Distinguished Research, the 2021 and 2011 Notable Contributions to the Management Accounting Literature Awards, the 2018 Bullard Award for Research Impact, the 2017 Weatherspoon Award for Excellence in PhD teaching, the 2014, 2013 and 2011 Greatest Impact on Management Accounting Practice Awards,  the 2007 Best Paper Award of the American Accounting Association Conference and was a finalist for the 2001 EURO Excellence in Practice Award.

I have published in the top Accounting and Operations journals (Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, and The Accounting Review) as well as in a wide variety of other journals as listed on my cv.

I am an editor at The Accounting Review and an associate editor at Journal of Accounting Research. I am a Senior Editor at Production & Operations Management for the POM-Accounting interface, for which I have received the 2018 recognition as Outstanding Senior Editor. I am Department Editor for Accounting (joint with Chris Ittner, Wharton) at Management and Business Review, a newly launched high level practitioner journal to engage research with practice. More information about MBR can be found here:  I am the past Senior Editor of Journal of Management Accounting Research (2019 – 2021). More information about JMAR can be found here:

I serve on the Editorial Boards of  Contemporary Accounting Research, European Accounting Review and Management Accounting Research. I also review papers submitted to Accounting, Organizations & Society, Journal of Accounting & Economics, Management Science (from which I received the 2014 Meritorious Referee Service award), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Review of Accounting Studies.


I teach a PhD course in Managerial Accounting Research. I have taught the core Strategic Cost Analysis and Performance Management course in the full-time MBA program for over a decade, and am now teaching this core class in our Executive MBA offerings in the evening programs in Charlotte and Chapel Hill, as well as in the Weekend program in Chapel Hill. I have also taught a MBA elective on Financial Management of Health Care Providers, and various managerial accounting related classes at graduate and undergraduate level, as indicated on my cv.

I have won the 2024 Teaching Excellence Award for the Executive MBA program from the inaugural Charlotte-based cohort, the 2019 Weatherspoon Award for Excellence in MBA teaching (full-time program), the 2017 Weatherspoon Award for Excellence in PhD teaching, the 2016 MBA Core Faculty Champion in Sustainability Award, and the 2006 London School of Economics Teaching Prize.

Curriculum Vitae